Harrison, NY 10528

Dyslexia Solutions Center has helped students of all ages overcome their learning challenges to become academically successful and self-confident learners.

Offering three essential services:

Diagnostic Testing 

Our diagnostic service provides comprehensive norm-referenced, standardized testing to diagnose learning disabilites, including dyslexia.

This service includes:

1. Administration of  comprehensive diagostic tests and thorough analysis of results. 

 2. Presentation and analytical substantiation of results and any diagnosis in an extensive written report (35-40 pages). The report includes analysis of strengths and weaknesses and diagnostic interpretations. It also provides research-based educational recommendations to address any learning deficits and to encourage learning strengths.

3. Attendance at a school meeting, typically an IEP meeting,  to present testing results and analysis and to advocate for special education eligibility, if not yet on an IEP, and also advocate for appropriate educational placement and programing – including accommodations and modifications and any relevant specialized instruction. 

4. Additionally, for older students (middle school and above),  our comprehensive reports have been accepted by the College Board to  obtain accommodations on standardized tests, including Advanced Placement tests, PSATs and SATs.  They have also been used for graduate testing including the LSAT, Bar exams, and MCAT. 

5. If homeschooled, instead of a school meeting we would provide curriculum and teaching guidance to address your unique learning needs indicated by testing. 


Education Advocacy

Empowering parents  through any and every stage in the special education process from special education eligibility through appropriate IEP development and class placement. Mediation and/or due process services are available, if necessary. 

Obtaining services can be a daunting process. An advocate on your team can make the difference between a successful experience and a frustrating one that does not achieve your goals.  A professionally trained advocate is essential.  Additionally, it is imperative that the advocate you choose also has expertise in your child’s disability – in this case learning disabilities. We offer this rare and empowering combination.

We specialize in advocacy for students with learning disabilities (which includes dyslexia, dysgraphia and discalculia) and any co-morbid disorders such as ADHD and school anxiety created by the learning disability. 

We are dedicated to ensuring your child receives an appropriate educational program to secure their reading, writing and overall learning success.


Specialized Instruction (Orton Gillingham) 

Students with dyslexia need specialized instruction specifically developed to address their unique learning needs.  

1:1 Orton Gillingham (OG) instruction is the original methodology that was used successfully to teach dyslexic students to read and write when all other methods failed. 

All other programs designed subsequently are based on Orton Gillingham (like Wilson Reading System, Preventing Academic Failure (PAF), Barton, S.P.I.R.E. and others) but those based on OG do not offer prescriptive, individualized instruction like OG does and therefore do not remediate as fast or as successfully. 

OG does not follow a set, inflexible scope and sequence of instruction like most other programs based on OG. OG is individualized to address a student’s unique skill level and learning needs.

The appropriate level of OG training is required for its success; this is because of the need for the instructor to have the knowledge and experience to be able to  individualize the scope and sequence correctly. A minimum year long practicum should be associated with this level of training.


Lynn Dalton, M.Ed. – Reading Science and Dyslexia Specialist 

Let’s talk about your concerns.

For a free consultation,
please fill out the  consultation form below

or call 914-582-4248.

All fields with an asterisk must be filled out for the form to send.
Your information is kept confidential and is only used as a basis for our discussion.


We were very disappointed by the highly recommended neurologist we used before going to Lynn for a diagnostic evaluation. The school only gave our son a 504 based on his report. Lynn’s understanding of all the ways in which dyslexia was affecting his learning made the difference. Our son had reasonable reading comprehension but he was a slow reader and his spelling was atrocious! The school didn’t think he had dyslexia and the neurologist only diagnosed a disability in written expression. Lynn’s diagnostic testing and analysis was spot on! He was classified for special education and received intensive OG after Lynn’s well documented diagnosis of DYSLEXIA.   

Joanne & David (Avon, CT)

We are so happy to have found Lynn! We couldn’t find an advocate who understood dyslexia sufficiently to argue persuasively for our son. Lynn was so knowledgable and professional. She knew far more aobut dyslexia and the educational program that was required to help our son than the school did! We obtained eveything we asked for at our IEP meeting. We had tried before by ourselves but the school didn’t budge and our son was becoming anxious about going to school and came home sad and exhausted. We can’t thank her enough for helping us!

Susanne and Rick (Fishkill, NY)

Our school district said they couldn’t diagnose dyslexia but felt our son’s ADHD could be responsbile for his being below grade level in reading and writing. They gave him resource room and small group instruction. After a year, our son had barely progressed yet the District was still refusing to classify him for special education and felt ADHD was still the problem. Then we found Lynn. She provided comprehensive diagnostic testing and wrote an extensive and detailed report to present to the school. She also represented us at his CSE. He was classifed with dyslexia because of her report and her unwavering advocacy on his behalf. We are so grateful.

Carlos and Faith (Mt Kisco, NY)

Orton Gillingham tutoring helped my daughter succeed in reading, writing and spelling. She was  reading at a late 1st grade level entering 3rd grade and hated going to school. After a year of Orton Gillingham tutoring at Dyslexia Solutions, she was reading and writing at grade level. My daughter’s self-esteem soared! She loves school now!

Peter (Hopewell Junction, NY)

I don’t know where my son would be at without Lynn. She was able to get my son classified for special education when the school had turned him down for two years, and she won a due process hearing to obtain Orton Gillingham tutoring for my son paid by the District! We weren’t getting results, even when my son was 2 years behind grade level in reading, until we hired Lynn.” 

Karen (Needham, MA)